Harold Weger - University of Regina, Regina, SK

Professor: Harold Weger
Department: Biology
College: University of Regina, Regina, SK
Rating # 1
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 2.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
I found this class very difficult for my first year of Biology. In high school i loved Biology and passed all my tests with flying colours. Although i understand University is much harder, i found Weger to be my worst prof. His notes are insanely messy and all over the place and the course was very disorganized. Hope i don't EVER have to take again
Rating # 2
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
notes are all over the place, jumps back and forth between topics, too many random messy diagrams. awful.
Rating # 3
  • Course: BIOL100
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 3.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Dr. Weger is a great person, but his writing can be very difficult to read and his notes, I find, are quite unorganized. He'll refer back to topics multiple times (which is nice for reviewing purposes) but I'll have a few headings for the same topic, which can be confusing when reviewing for a midterm/final. Overall, a funny and nice prof.
Rating # 4
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: N/A
He's a good prof and explains a lot of things well. He's a pretty good guy to take as one of your profs, especially when trying to make the transition from high school to university with all the 100-level classes. Make sure to study the diagrams and use them on the exam- he loves those.
Rating # 5
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Harold is a good guy, but at times his lectures were disorganized. To pass the exams, you need to put a lot of time into studying (Diagrams had to be detailed on tests).
Rating # 6
  • Course: BIOL266
  • Grade Received: B+
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Amazing prof! I love his diagrams and after this class I actually enjoy plants! I wish there was a plant physiology two it was so great.
Rating # 7
  • Course: BIOL100
  • Grade Received: A-
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Don't waste your money buying the textbook. Everything you need to know for the tests are in the lecture notes so just show up to class. Do not leave studying for the last minute or you won't do well. If you study hard you can do well in this class. Sometimes the lectures are not well organized but if you take all the notes, you'll do fine.
Rating # 8
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 3.0
  • Course Difficulty: 2.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
His exams are pretty easy, but so much content, which makes studying pretty hard and not something you can do last minute. As a prof, he makes way too many useless diagrams and is very unorganized. Jumped back and forth between topics and goes very fast when writing them down. Okay for first year but wouldn't consider him again
Rating # 9
  • Course: BIOL100
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 3.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Nice guy but his lectures are hard to follow. Not very organized when it comes to his lectures, lots of jumping back and forth. Didn't use the textbook at all. There was 2 midterms and a final which were all fairly easy if you paid attention and studied. Looking back at your notes was confusing but he posts written notes that were extremely helpful
Rating # 10
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 3.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
I can see that he is a good prof. However in bio100 the lectures are somewhat unorganized because the topics goes back and forth. Also, in the midterms you dont get to know exactly which topic will be given because he wants you to know it yourself and end up studying all of the context thats not even in the exam. No homeworks at all.
Rating # 11
  • Course: BIOL266
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Dr Weger is the best professor for Plant Physiology. He is extremely knowledgeable, cares about the students doing well, is available before and after the lecture and office hours, and he can be funny. I credit him for giving me an appreciation for plants and understanding photosynthesis
Rating # 12
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Weger is super funny in a dad joke sort of way. I think he sometimes strays from his lecture plan but we always get the information. He is clearly passionate about bio so hes very easy to listen to, class goes by fast. Definitely a 10/10 for Weger and his fuzzy grelbers.
Rating # 13
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: A-
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Really funny guy! He starts each lecture with a quick review of the last one. He writes most of what he says so the pace is good. Beware, sometimes he flip flops back and forth between concepts. His notes can get really messy and unorganized but he posts everything online at the beginning of the semester and lectures and expands off the slides
Rating # 14
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Worst class I've taken in my two years of university. Expect it to bring down your average and be tested on things he didnt even teach you. He makes the simplest concepts confusing and is a hard marker on the few things you do get graded on. Good luck
Rating # 15
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 2.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Lectures were interesting. He writes all his lectures on the screen so the pace isn't too bad. I didn't use the textbook at all because he said everything that was tested is on the slides.
Rating # 16
  • Course: BIO101
  • Grade Received: A+
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 2.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
One of the best profs. to the point where you're surprised that a place like regina can offer someone like this guy. genuinely cares for his students, and his subject. this class was a lot of memorizing but he balanced that by having all the exams multiple choice, reusing old questions, and always available for clarification. GONNA MISS YOU!
Rating # 17
  • Course: BIOL101
  • Grade Received: A-
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Very strong prof, clearly knowledgeable about his subject. As long as you attend lectures and take good notes, you'll be fine. Exams are all multiple choice and tend to go quite heavy into detail. He's not insanely difficult by any means, but you do need to carve out some time to study. Love that he doesn't require the purchase of a textbook.
Rating # 18
  • Course: BIO101
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 2.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Harold is a solid choice for biology. Really enjoyed his lectures since he is so passionate about his work. In Bio 101 all of the tests including the final were multiple choice. Overall would recommend!
Rating # 19
  • Course: BIO100
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
He writes on slides with you as you go along which is very helpful because it is easy to take down all the notes. The material is heavy so study hard! Hilarious guy and would recommend him to anyone taking BIO 100.
Rating # 20
  • Course: BIO266
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Dr. Weger is an awesome prof! He writes all his notes on the board and they are usually easy to follow. The entire lecture is spent writing and sometimes he went too fast so it was hard to catch up. His exams are fair and the questions were taken straight from the notes.
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