Richard Giannone - Fordham University - Rose Hill, Bronx, NY

Professor: Richard Giannone
Department: English
College: Fordham University - Rose Hill, Bronx, NY
Rating # 1
  • Course: ENGLISHLIT
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: N/A
Professor Giannone was terrific - I have great memories of taking classes with him at Rose Hill in '87. He always pushed us to to do our best.
Rating # 2
  • Course: ENG101
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
He was my English prof 50 years ago. I still vividly recall the classes and many of the readings. Was motivated to see the Public Theatre's production of The Good Person of Setzuan because I first read the play for that class. Obviously an unforgettable man.
Rating # 3
  • Course: ENG999
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 2.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Incredible teacher. I learned more from professor Giannone than I had from all my english professors combined.
Rating # 4
  • Course: ENG101
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 4.5
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Initially I was surprised to find such harsh criticism of Prof. Giannone until I realized who is writing: the self centered generatioin who academically ranks low in ability but number one in self esteem. I'e had nothing but respect for Giannone, but now after reading your comments, I pity him for having students like you.
Rating # 5
  • Course: ENG7225
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Horrifyingly unprofessional. I am a graduate student and was treated like a high school student. Visited him in office hours and he raised his voice to me and told me I was incapable of A work... despite the fact that I have a 3.9 GPA in 3 semesters of full time graduate work. Close minded and awful, the worst professor ever encountered at Fordham.
Rating # 6
  • Course: ENGL4129
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Claims he wants to hear what student thinks but then doesn't let them talk or direct the discussion. Also tries to force you into his worldview and tells you you're wrong if you disagree with him. Comes up with weird, sometimes creepy interpretations of the readings. Avoid him if you can. I've probably disliked only 1 professor more than this guy.
Rating # 7
  • Course: MODRCATH
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 3.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Took this guy in 2005. Now working on my masters to become a teacher and referenced his class on what NOT to favorites, insult students in front of the classroom, and mark everyone that disagrees with his sentiments as wrong. Uncomfortable learning environment. I suppose if I had been one of his favorites, this entry would be different.
Rating # 8
  • Course: ENGL4129
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Four Modern Catholic Writers, one of the classes I enjoyed the most at Fordham. The only thing I regret was not lending myself more to his promptings and put the correctness/academic aside and truly reach in to give heartfelt responses. Don't mistake the aforementioned for an 'easy class'... he's tough. Rewarding experience.
Rating # 9
  • Course: ENGL4129
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
4 Modern Catholic Writers, was one the best classes I took at FU, and it was because of Prof. Giannone. He is insightful and takes all comments seriously. He wants nothing more than to share his knowledge, and also to learn from his students. He was a delight, and I would take him again in a heartbeat!
Rating # 10
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 2.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
No Comments
Rating # 11
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
I thought his insights on not only literature but human nature were absolutely enighlightening. I would definately take another one of his classes-- he is very helpful and accomadating for those who show an interest and ask for assistance when they need it.
Rating # 12
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
I liked him. He's eccentric and calls on you at random, but I really enjoyed the literature he chose. The novels and short stories were extremely interesting. He had a way of drawing you in to the characters. Overall, I enjoyed the class.
Rating # 13
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.5
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
I hated this man.He was awful- all of the previous comments are right on target.He def. has favs and he is definitely close minded to anything diff. from what he thinks.And he throws a fit if you use the restroom.But on the plus sides it is a really easy class and he doesnt take attendence.Class has a good structure w. 5 short writing assignments.
Rating # 14
  • Course: TRADSTORY
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Insulting and unhelpful, did not feel comfortable in the class afterward.
Rating # 15
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 3.5
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Maybe the person who "doesn't deserve an A" just didn't deserve one. Giannone is a wonderful teacher, and can make you really appreciate all of the different kinds of lit you might not think to read by yourself. If you want to live in your box, avoid him, otherwise, he is a brilliant man.
Rating # 16
  • Course: TRADSTORYS
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Plays favorites with students. Only wants to hear his way. Leaves very vague comments on tests, ie. "Confusing." Claimed to have never gotten some things I gave in. Probably the 2nd worse prof I've had here.
Rating # 17
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
absolute worst professor i've ever had! clearly plays favorites & says students shouldn't get A's. went to him for help & 1st he insulted me & flat out said he could not help me. "some people are just not meant to get A's." honestly don't understand how such a complete a**hole could be teaching here. <b> DO NOT TAKE!! Save your GPA!! </b>
Rating # 18
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
I graduated 10 years ago and I stgill look at this class as one of the best out there. It can change your perspective of everything if you let it. The novels chosen by Giannone are phenomenal and I have re-read them over the years. If you graduate without taking one of his courses, shame on you.
Rating # 19
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
I had this guy in 1992. He ruled. But be prepared to work. If you want to hang out and get a C, it's not the class for you. Be prepared to do some thinking, defend your viewpoints and be prepared to do some writing.
Rating # 20
  • Course: 4MODCATWRTRS
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Facilitates interesting class discussions based upon well-chosen readings that inspire self-reflection: prepare to learn as much about yourself as you do about the Catholic writers. Reading and extensive participation required. An enjoyable seminar.
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