Professor: Brenda Baker
Department: Anthropology
College: Arizona State University
Rating # 1
- Course: ASB301
- Grade Received: C+
- Overall Rating: 3.0
- Course Difficulty: 3.0
- For Credit: Yes
- Textbook Used: No
- Would Take Again: No
- Attendance: N/A
The lectures are very boring and all she does is read off of her notes the entire class. You're only graded on 3 exams, 2 small homework assignments, and a final project.
Rating # 2
- Course: ASB301
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 5.0
- Course Difficulty: 3.0
- For Credit: Yes
- Textbook Used: No
- Would Take Again: Yes
- Attendance: Not Mandatory
I really love Dr. Baker. She is funny and incredibly smart. She does assign a lot of reading, but you can mainly just skim over the articles. The lectures are really interesting and there are only a couple of homework assignments and tests! Just pay attention in lecture and follow the study guide and you will be fine
Rating # 3
- Course: ASM332
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 1.0
- Course Difficulty: 4.0
- For Credit: Yes
- Textbook Used: Yes
- Would Take Again: No
- Attendance: Mandatory
I'm a junior and had a 4.0 until I took this class. The readings are heavy and the lecture is dull. The tests are multiple choice, short and long essay, the study guides which you need are ridiculous and long. I asked her to slow down in lecture she told me it was a college class so no! The paper was a joke, all content not quality graded.
Rating # 4
- Course: ASM450
- Grade Received: A
- Overall Rating: 4.0
- Course Difficulty: 4.0
- For Credit: Yes
- Textbook Used: Yes
- Would Take Again: Yes
- Attendance: Mandatory
She is well respected in her field and very knowledgeable about the topic. The readings can get very dry, but they are still important.
Rating # 5
- Course: ASM301
- Grade Received: D+
- Overall Rating: 1.0
- Course Difficulty: 5.0
- For Credit: Yes
- Textbook Used: No
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: Not Mandatory
Worst professor I have had thus far, went to every single class and took detailed notes which didn't help considering no attendance points were given making little room for error on the midterm where no study guide was given
Rating # 6
- Course: SSH301
- Grade Received: Not sure yet
- Overall Rating: 1.5
- Course Difficulty: 5.0
- For Credit: Yes
- Textbook Used: Yes
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: Not Mandatory
No supplemental material, tons of reading each week, exams are difficult and she is not helpful at all. Would not take a class with this professor ever again. *also grades are never entered online, so you are left guessing what your grade is and have to go into her office if you want to know your grade.
Rating # 7
- Course: ASM332
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 2.0
- Course Difficulty: 4.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: Yes
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
I've never hated a class so much as I hated this one. I have been obsessed with ancient egypt since I was like and couldn't wait to take this class....only to find she drones on and on, the study guides are extremely vague, the readings are extremely long and impossible to keep up with, and if you miss a lecture, you're done for. HATE THIS CLASS.
Rating # 8
- Course: ASM450
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 4.5
- Course Difficulty: 3.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: No
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
Great class. No tests. 3 projects (each worth 30% +10% participation). Never read, just attended most classes. Projects are graded fairly and are decent sized, but only because there is no homework or tests. Just answer each question on the projects and show up to class and you should do fine! Baker is helpful and nice. And she loves her puns!
Rating # 9
- Course: ASM332
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 4.0
- Course Difficulty: 5.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: Yes
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
Dr. Baker is definitely a difficult teacher and this was a difficult class, however this was also by far the best class I've taken at ASU. She is very knowledgeable, and wants to teach you as much as she possibly can. Tests are very detail oriented but I honestly learned so much I can't even complain. Take her class!!!
Rating # 10
- Course: ASM332
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 3.5
- Course Difficulty: 5.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: Yes
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
Extremely tough class. Take tons of notes. Expect to be tested on everything. She covered so much material it was difficult to learn it all for the exams. Very enthusiastic and silly puns. Toughest exams I've had yet. Also the class is more about burial places, not daily life. You are required to remember a lot of minor details.
Rating # 11
- Course: BIOARCH
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 1.5
- Course Difficulty: 3.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: Yes
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
Terrible, terrible, terrible. Baker is unclear and condescending. Detail oriented is not a bad thing, but she takes it to another level. Micromanaging to the extreme.
Rating # 12
- Course: HUMOSTE
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 5.0
- Course Difficulty: 4.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: Yes
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
Baker is cool. My TA was awesome. Go to class and you'll do fine, you little slackers.
Rating # 13
- Course: ASM394
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 2.5
- Course Difficulty: 5.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: Yes
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
Dr. Baker is a very difficult will come out of thou the class with a very good knowledge of the subject- expect to know everything. Although study guides are given and the tests reflect the material- you have to know and reproduce EVERYTHING on the test to get full credit. Very detail oriented. Be prepared for a tough class!
Rating # 14
- Course: ASM394
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 3.5
- Course Difficulty: 5.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: Yes
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
She/ the TA grades tests ridiculously hard. Pay attention to videos; she expects you to remember explicit details from them, as well as lecture notes. Interesting class, but she expects WAY to much detail for tests, etc. The class had a terrible test average, and it only got worse on the second test.
Rating # 15
- Course: ASM104
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 5.0
- Course Difficulty: 3.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: N/A
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
The class was very interesting, I love the material. It is alot of hard work but Baker's dry and offbeat sense of humor makes coming to class different and exciting. She is student friendly and always willing to help.
Rating # 16
- Course: ASM450
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 5.0
- Course Difficulty: 4.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: N/A
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
Received understanding that the human beings are very equal to the bone.
Rating # 17
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 5.0
- Course Difficulty: 3.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: N/A
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
No Comments
Rating # 18
- Course: ASM
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 4.5
- Course Difficulty: 4.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: N/A
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
Osteology was great! Dr. Baker has a wonderfully dry sense of humour. She really seems to care for her students!
Rating # 19
- Course: ASM450
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 5.0
- Course Difficulty: 4.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: N/A
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
No Comments
Rating # 20
- Course: ASM104
- Grade Received: N/A
- Overall Rating: 3.0
- Course Difficulty: 3.0
- For Credit: N/A
- Textbook Used: N/A
- Would Take Again: N/A
- Attendance: N/A
Its an OK class - I did well in it but I had to study a lot - majority of class failed!
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