Jacques Perk - Oklahoma State University

Professor: Jacques Perk
Department: TBD
College: Oklahoma State University
Rating # 1
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Perk should not be teaching a first semester class. This class is not impossible, but is very difficult, as you have to teach everything to yourself, memorize all of the formulas for the tests, and have to decipher his phrasing to know what is being asked. Passable because lab and homework is 50% and help session attendance can give you 5% bonus.
Rating # 2
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: C
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Dr. Perk does not teach the material very well. He tries to teach our class with calculus, and nobody knows what he is talking about half the time. He plays a lot of pointless movies during class and going to class is a waste of time because he doesn't teach the material well, you basically have to teach yourself all of the material.
Rating # 3
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: B-
  • Overall Rating: 2.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Dr. Perk is unable to bring the class down to a Physics 1 level. He teaches it calc based and then goes back and says, "but you won't need that" without telling us what we will need. Probably a great upper level physics teacher, just do not take for physics 1. Tests are very hard, but he tries to make them not worth as much.
Rating # 4
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
If u have the opportunity to take this course with another professor, do it! I am currently a SR &this is by far one of the toughest classes I have taken &it is all because of the professor. He is no help, hard to understand, does not explain things, does nothing but complain all class period &his tests are ridiculous. Be prepared to teach yourself
Rating # 5
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Absolutely the worst prof I've had. If you can take the class with someone else DO IT! Lectures are pointless to attend because you can't understand what he is saying, & if you can his scribbles on the board don't make any sense. He spends the 1st 10 minutes of every class complaining about his lack of time to do anything & how hard his life is.
Rating # 6
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: N/A
Awful professor. He does not explain things well at all. He also expects you to know every formula for exams. Worst professor I have had, and I'm a fourth year. I would highly recommend taking the course with someone else or somewhere else if you have the option.
Rating # 7
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
I literally have no idea what he is teaching at all, I have had to teach myself everything, and when I raised my hand in lecture he told me to put my hand down and that I was slowing down his lecture. 10/10 do not recommend
Rating # 8
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: B-
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Dr. Perk is an okay guy, but he is hard to understand and his lectures are not helpful. I am not very good at physics, but when I'd go in for help he couldn't explain it well. The class is very challenging. I'd take it with someone else if you have the chance, because he is not a good professor.
Rating # 9
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: Not sure yet
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
He is the worst professor iv ever had. if you want to pass the class you better be good at teaching yourself because you cant understand anything he says and when you can understand him he's not saying anything useful. he's a graduate teacher teaching undergrads. he expects you too know all 2 million formulas on the tests without using a notecard.
Rating # 10
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: INC
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Honestly he is one of the worst professors I have ever had. The only reason he is getting 1's is because you cant give him 0's. The overall class is very difficult and you have to teach yourself EVERYTHING. When you ask him a question 99% of the time he cant explain it to you and he just rereads the question from the example. DROP HIM!!
Rating # 11
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: C-
  • Overall Rating: 1.5
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Clarity was minimal to none. He would talk about things not relevant to his quizzes and exams. Also gave absolutely no information such as equations on tests or quizzes.
Rating # 12
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: B-
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
TERRIBLE teacher. Take someone else if you get the chance! You can ask a direct question and will never get a clear answer to it! Basically taught myself the whole semester. Tutoring through the LASSO is a must!
Rating # 13
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
I am a 4.0 fourth year student and needed to take physics as a pre-req for grad school, and Dr. Perk is honestly the worst professor I've ever had. When he lectures he does not explain anything or do any example problems. He also jumps from subject to subject making the class more confusing. I had to teach myself EVERYTHING from the book.
Rating # 14
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Had to have him regrade several quizzes because they were graded wrong in the first place. Its easier to telepathically communicate with a ladybug than it is to understand what Perk is saying. If you're good at teaching yourself physics, then you'll do pretty well in this class.
Rating # 15
  • Course: PHYS2014
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 3.5
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Over all the class wasn't that bad. The class can get rather frustrating at times. There are several concepts that are going to be new to you and it can get overwhelming. Just make sure that you attend the help sessions, do every homework completely and do all the labs. If you do this you will pass the course with an A or B.
Rating # 16
  • Course: PHYS2014
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.5
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Assigns homework on tuesday, wants it thursday morning. makes his tests hard. each sheet of notes is up on the projector for maybe a few seconds, up to a minute, and then he's on to the next one... so you don't have time to soak up anything in class.
Rating # 17
  • Course: PHYS2014
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.5
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
he has all the examples problems already worked and figured out so he just shows everyone the work he has already done to get the final answer. he does not explain how he got the answers, he just goes through everything one time and then expects everyone to automatically know whats going on.
Rating # 18
  • Course: PHYS2014
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
He should not be paid to teach. He is always too busy to explain anything to the class. He refuses to help clarify material. He refuses to slow down and explain the material. He doesn't present the material very well. His notes aren't clear. He changes things from the book so you can't study from it. He is by far the worst teacher i've ever had.
Rating # 19
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
The worst professor I ever had. He is almost incoherant. If you get him drop!
Rating # 20
  • Course: PHYS1114
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: N/A
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Too difficult to ever learn anything. Didn't understand the concept of Physics 1. Terrible at teaching, curved the class more than 30% just to make sure half the class didn't fail.
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