Socratis Tornaritis - Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville

Professor: Socratis Tornaritis
Department: TBD
College: Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Rating # 1
  • Course: CS240
  • Grade Received: B
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Very good professor but his tests will give you a run for your money. Study hard and consistently and you should be able to get a fine grade. Very accessable and helpful outside class.
Rating # 2
  • Course: CS240CS234CS150
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: N/A
I had Socratis for 3 courses. I actually like him but there were times where I didn't. He's a fairly polarizing professor for students and his reputation doesn't help that. He's a tough professor who bases his grades mostly around exams. It turns out that really sucks when his classes have 20+ assignments that only count for 10-20% of your grade.
Rating # 3
  • Course: CS150
  • Grade Received: B
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Socratis is a bit of a wildcard. He lectures the material amazingly and really makes you think you know what you are doing. However, once you get to his tests, your ego is completely destroyed. Our summer class once had an exam where over 60% failed and the highest score was an 82%, he considered this to be a "fair" test.
Rating # 4
  • Course: CS234
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 2.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Socratis made a class that should be easy into one of the more challenging cs classes. The material is so easy, yet he insists on auto grading quizzes which take off for answers that should be correct. He gives 0 feedback for the quizzes, so you cant learn from your mistakes. He answers questions in a condescending tone. Avoid soc if you can
Rating # 5
  • Course: CS150
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Challenging, but fair. He puts in as much effort as you - so put effort in. He is super professional and engages students.
Rating # 6
  • Course: CS150
  • Grade Received: B-
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
quizzes are very hard
Rating # 7
  • Course: CS150
  • Grade Received: B
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
I liked how his class was set up more than i liked Tetzner. He puts every piece of code we cover in class online. Weekly quizzes are scattered however. Usually over powerpoints but sometimes over stuff in class - you never know. :/ Some tests very code heavy and hard, others online w multiple attempts. Strict, hard, but helpful.
Rating # 8
  • Course: CS150
  • Grade Received: Not sure yet
  • Overall Rating: 2.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Professor Tornaritis was one of most difficult professors I've "learned" from. At the beginning of the semester he stated "you have to read the book; it's my job to answer your questions, not to teach you. You have to teach yourself." If you're OK with reading textbooks and getting zeros when you should get partial credit at least, then go for it.
Rating # 9
  • Course: CS240
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
If you are having trouble go to the office hours, he will always take time to help you understand what he is teaching. His assignments are complicated but if youre a cs major you need to know this stuff and know it well.
Rating # 10
  • Course: CS150
  • Grade Received: INC
  • Overall Rating: 3.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Class activities and homework activities are quite easy. Test is significantly harder. If you are late to submit the test, you get zero points. The class activities and homework do not prepare you for parts of the test.
Rating # 11
  • Course: CS150
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Boring lectures and and very condescending rude attitude. Dont take this class if you can avoid it with him.
Rating # 12
  • Course: CS240
  • Grade Received: B
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Wastes time by writing out his programs during class instead of taking that time to explain "his" copyrighted code he is proud of. Gives exam reviews after class hour during the week of a test, which is convenient to campus cadets (answers to extra credit test questions) but not so fair for those living off-campus and especially working students.
Rating # 13
  • Course: CS234
  • Grade Received: B
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Explains material well in lectures and answers any questions needed. He has weekly quizzes over material covered from the previous week and 4 tests throughout the semester. Optional final that averages lowest test grade and final grade.
Rating # 14
  • Course: CS240
  • Grade Received: B
  • Overall Rating: 2.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
He's okay. Projects are the bulk of the grade but his test were crazy. One thing that I don't like about him is that he makes you learn things his way with his own terminology. He doesn't really teach you how to think about the subject, just what to think (which I didn't like). There's no reason you shouldn't pass with him.
Rating # 15
  • Course: CS240CS234
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: N/A
He's a great instructor and very fair. He provides you with everything you would need to know to do well in the class. He gives great in-class examples that could assist with the programming assignments. I took him for 240 and 234, and received an A in both. Do well on the programs and you'll do well in the class.
Rating # 16
  • Course: CS234
  • Grade Received: B+
  • Overall Rating: 4.5
  • Course Difficulty: 1.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Quizzes were extra credit, but require attending lectures to pass. He takes daily attendance, but doesn't use it for anything. Lectures can be dry and uninteresting. I skipped about half the classes, and didn't pay attention when I was there, and still managed a good grade . Programming assignments were 80% of the grade. 2 exams all multi-choice.
Rating # 17
  • Course: CS234
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 2.5
  • Course Difficulty: 3.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Socratis is good, but sometimes the lectures are impossible to follow. in 234, you have a project due nearly every week. It's best to read ahead before you attend lectures, otherwise you'll probably be lost. He's intelligent, approachable, friendly, and helpful, but he's not the best lecturer. In-class demos help immensely. Attendance is adivsed
Rating # 18
  • Course: CS240
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 4.5
  • Course Difficulty: 1.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: N/A
There are daily quizzes that you need to show up to take. The test are cumulative but the questions come from the quizzes and previous test. You can choose to opt out of the final if you are doing good. The programs requirements were worded in a confusing way and they were do it this way assignments. This made me not enjoying coding his programs.
Rating # 19
  • Course: CS145
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 3.5
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Overall a good professor. Gives daily quizzes which is a drag so review notes before class and skim the book. On the other hand, the tests are made up of the quiz questions so they are extremely easy. Programs are tough and will take hours to complete. Got an A even with a C average on programs, so work hard at the easy stuff (Quizzes, Tests).
Rating # 20
  • Course: 240
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 3.5
  • Course Difficulty: 2.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: N/A
Neat dude. Seems to know a bit about industry. He mostly uses powerpoints to teach and pretty much reads directly off of them. Try not to fall asleep during lecture though because he will call you out. Quiz and attendance every day. Tests are straightforward. He makes study guides for you, so be thankful.
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